Need a 4.0? No Problem, Here's How
If you're anything like me, getting
a 4.0 GPA is a long shot. I usually get all hyped up before a semester telling
myself that I'm going to be the most magnificent student the world has ever
seen, get a 4.0 and be awesome. Usually about a month into the semester I start
skipping classes and caring less and less about my grades. Sound familiar? Try
these tips (and stick to them) to keep your grades up and you may find it is a
lot easier than it seems.
1. Classes: GO TO THEM
Attendance to your classes is
vitally important. Most problems with students start forming when their
attendance drops. GO TO CLASS. Professors will use information from class on
the tests (that may not be found in the text book. Take notes and really make
an effort to listen to the lecture, (I know it's hard) this will help you
significantly when it comes to writing a paper or prepping for a test. And if you
simply must stay home from class to finish that season of Glee than be sure to
get notes from a fellow student, get the slides online, and skim the chapter in
the textbook. Most importantly if you are like me and miss class every now and
again it is important to get the info that you missed so you're prepared.
2. Friends: MAKE THEM
Making friends with fellow
classmates can really save your skin. If you miss a class, or don’t understand
the material a study buddy can be the difference between failing the class and
getting an A. Find someone that you get along with that is willing to help. You
must also be willing to return the favor if they miss a class or need help as
well. Teaching others can help you retain information better so get together before
tests and quiz each other. And who knows you may even get a date out of it!
3. Resources: USE THEM
College counselors, professors and
friends all want you to succeed so let them help you! There are countless
resources out there to help students succeed. If you are having a hard time
grasping a concept, talk to your professor. Most professors are required to be
in their offices 2-5 hours a week for this reason only, use this office time to
your advantage! If that doesn't cut it there are labs, study groups and tutors
out there. Most importantly you must commit to success, after you've done that
it will be easier to commit to going to a lab or going to that study session.
Make it happen!
4. Good Attitude: HAVE ONE
Your attitude about success is the
absolutely most important part about getting a 4.0. Our brains function like
computers, the information that you enter into your brain will determine the
actions that you take. Tell yourself that you are going to succeed, tell
yourself you are going to get an A on the test and if you are prepared, you
will! This is your life; your success is determined by YOU and only YOU. You
have already taken the first step by reading this article, now commit to
success, set some goals and follow through! Good luck!
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