Friday, May 25, 2012

Online Schools: Best Option for Mothers

Online Schools: Best Option for Mothers


With the current economic climate many mothers out there feel pressured to contribute to the families financial situation. For mothers looking to further their careers through a degree the options can be limited. Some mothers currently have careers and need to make more money. For these mothers a degree is the answer. Some mothers don't have a career but want to contribute financially to their family. Whatever the case may be if you're a mom, you know that your time is very limited. How can you even think about adding school into the mix? I'm here to tell you that it is possible with online classes. 

Online schools cater to your schedule. You don't have to worry about finding a baby sitter. You don't have to worry about the commute. With online classes you can study at home, when your kids are at school, or are having a nap. You don't even have to change out of your pajamas. Online courses allow you to study when it is convenient for you. You aren't required to flip your life upside down to get a degree.

Most mothers who consider going back to school decide that they can't go back to school because there is no time, and no way to finance tuition. Luckily, there are many scholarships and grants geared towards women. If you're a mom, or a single mom, there are many options available out there for you especially in this day and age when so many people are trying to find better careers because of the economy. If you are interested in earning your degree you can do it! I know it seems hard, but it is possible. 

Scholarships, Grants and Loans that are Available for Women 

(just to name a few)

 There are many many more options out there you just have to do your research. You can do it! 

Student Voice

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dare to live the american dream: Get your degree!


 Get your Degree!

We CAN do hard things, so why don’t we?

When I think about America, I think about Independence. I think about John Wayne spitting in the eye of Liberty Valance and the Rancheros north of the picket wire. I think about the men that hauled themselves up by their bootstraps on the morning of December 7, 1941 and fought back!

    When it comes to education, too many Americans are accepting mediocre futures by not getting degrees. Often times people will graduate high school, settle into a job, and stay there. There are too many people out there that have forsaken their dreams because they aren’t willing to fight, or the fight is too hard. You have to fight for the American Dream and this fight isn’t across the seas. You fight this fight in your homes, your workplaces and most importantly your schools. Education is the key to the American Dream, so fight! Get an education!

    The way to get the upper hand in this battle for the American Dream is to get your degree. The best way to get the job you want, get the job that pays, and support your family is by pursuing and education. Sure, many people are making it without degrees and that is great. The point is if you aren’t happy, if you’re not making enough, if you are wishing you had gone to school, it’s time to confront your dreams and do what it takes to get there and get your degree!  Yes, its hard, it isnt fun, and it costs a lot of money. But this is your future. Take charge of your future. FIGHT for your goals, get that dream job, live the American Dream!

    Khadijah Williams, a student at Harvard University, worked her way up from the ground. Literally. Khadijah never had a home to speak of and grew up on the street. She worked hard, really hard, and made it to Harvard. Aduei Riak, one of the Lost Children of Sudan, grew up in a refugee camp and took care of herself. She came to the U.S. to live in a foster home, learned english, worked very hard, and is now attending Bradeis University, one of the most prestigious schools in the U.S. And there’s Marjorie Elliott, who finally graduated high school at 75, and is planning to attend college. These students overcame massive trials because they believed that their education was worth fighting for. If they can do it, so can you!

    College is hard, it’s expensive and it’s time consuming. There are millions of reasons why people don’t go to school. But the bottom line is, a college education is worth it, in so many ways. So fight for it!  It’s time to break the cycle of mediocrity. It’s time to revive the American spirit in all of us and fight for the good in the world. We can do hard things we can all invent a better future for our children, for America, and for the world. So, will you let your future pass you by or will you secure your place in the American Dream?

Monday, May 21, 2012

10 FAQ's about Online Education

(The answers may surprise you)


How important is online education become really? Since 2000 online education has grown tremendously. Today it is the answer for many students out there. Here are ten frequently asked questions about online schools, the answers to which may surprise you. 


10. How many?

Over 6 MILLION students are registered in online courses. This number continues to grow every year. WOW!


 9. Why are students so interested in online school?

Because of the economy more and more students are enrolling in schools. Both online colleges and traditional colleges have seen increased enrollment since the economy went kaput. People are trying to find better jobs and education is what it takes to get those jobs. 


8. Who offers online courses?

There are online colleges and universities that offer only online courses. You can also take online courses offered by traditional colleges and universities like Harvard and Yale. All forms of education are taking advantage of the online education popularity.


7.  How are traditional colleges adapting?

Many traditional colleges have created "web facilitated" courses that allow students to study online but in a face to face setting. A lot of colleges use hybrid courses that are both in class discussion with online elements. 

6. What's in the future?

In 2010 63% of all traditional colleges agreed that online courses were vital to their future. Education online is the way of the future and traditional colleges are taking advantage of that. 

5.  How many students are learning online?

 Online schools experience a growth in enrollment every year of about 20%. That's about 1 million NEW students a year. Everybody's doing it... really. 

4.  Will the hype ever end?

Not likely. Most traditional colleges have implemented online programs into their curriculums and don't plan to change. Online college courses can help a lot of students so it seems these programs are here to stay.  

3.  What does this mean for students?

With the continued growth of online colleges and use of online programs in traditional Universities, this means that if you are a traditional student you may be taking some courses online or using some online programs through your school. If you are already an online student you can expect to see more and more of your friends joining in. 

2. What are the opinions of online degrees?

When online education was still a new concept many were skeptical as to the quality of education that students were earning online. Since then there has been a long standing debate of the credibility of online schools. Earning your degree online is the same quality as if you were to earn it from a traditional college. More and more people and employers are accepting this form of education as the norm. 

1. Is online education here to stay?

YES! The only thing that may change the attendance rates for online schools is if there is a change in financial aid. This can go both ways. If the government decides to allow more funding for online schools then, attendance may go up even further. If the government decides to reduce the funding for online schools the numbers may decrease. 

Online schools are here to stay. So many students benefit from online schools and are earning their degrees through them, that it is not likely they will ever go away.  If anything you should expect to see online schools and online degree courses continue to grow. 

Student Voice  

Friday, May 18, 2012

5 Reasons why Online College is AWESOME!

With the boom of online colleges there comes a debate: which is better traditional schools or online schools? While there will always be a need for traditional schools, I'm here to tell you that for some students, online colleges are the answer! Here's 5 reasons why online college can be beneficial for you!

1. Time

If you've ever attended a traditional college you know how hard it can be to manage your time. You have to juggle your classes, your job, and your family. With online classes you don't have to work around the schedule that the school sets you work around your own.

2. Focus

There can be many distractions at at school and at home but, at home you can just close the door. You just have to deal with it when you're at school. Some students find it easier to set up a quiet  home office where they can study and focus.

3. Flexibility

Students that take online courses have more flexibility. Administrators, teachers, and counselors are more readily available to the student and are there to meet the students needs. This can make taking classes easier with online resources. 

4. Access 

Online Education allows students from across the country and the world get a quality education. Students in Arizona can take courses from Harvard or Yale. Students across the country that don't have access to a university now have the opportunity to get a quality education, from their homes! Online schools are breaking educational boundaries. 

5. Cost 

Last but not least! While the cost of tuition and books is about the same at traditional colleges and universities online colleges are becoming more competitive with their prices. Many fees that come along with traditional colleges are non-existent with online schools. No paying for parking, gas for commute, or a dorm room.

 Getting a degree will make your life better. There's just no question about it. But how you go about getting your degree is completely up to you. Online schools provide the same amount of coursework, and you will receive the same quality education as if you went to a traditional college. For some students online courses is the answer! Think about it.

Student Voice

If you are an online student tell us your experience. What do you think of online courses? 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Going back to school


The word itself has such a strong effect. The very thought of it used to make me look something like this...

Too bad school is so important, it can really be a pain. First of all you have to go through the process of finding a school. You decide if you want to go to a traditional campus or take courses online. Once you've decided that you have to decide which school has the program that you are interested in (online schools have a better selection of programs). Then you have to get yourself in to the school. Then you get to worry about financial aid, housing, and how you're going to feed yourself.

So why do we go through the trouble? Is going back to school really worth it? 

The answer is absolutely and unequivocally... Yes, school is worth it.

It is a sure fire fact that individuals with undergraduate degrees (associate or bachelor) earn significantly more yearly than those who only have a high school diploma. With this in mind maybe the question I should be asking is: Can you afford not to go to school?

In today's society, having a degree is what gets you the job. People with degrees get promotions, have steadier jobs and higher incomes, and just have better lives all around. Even though school can be hard, it is definitely worth it. 

Luckily, I have always had a strong ambition for learning. Once I get past the common annoyances and hardships that come along with being a college student, I find myself enjoying school and loving the things that I am learning. I think that really has to do with finding something that you are passionate about and having a dream. 

Education and only education will get you closer to your dreams. If you have a dream to be something its time to just put your head down and power through! Getting your degree is worth it and you might even (accidentally) have some fun. And I'll be here struggling along side you.

Student Voice 

What is your motivation for going back to school? Do you have any words of advice for someone who may not be excited about going to school? Leave a comment below.