Thursday, July 19, 2012

Procrastinators Unite! ... Tomorrow

5 Tips to Help you get your Work Done!


Everybody does it. Everybody hates it. Procrastination: A college student’s worst enemy. 
You've been there; your professor assigns you a huge project. You tell yourself that you'll get to it later. 5 parties later you realize you haven't even started. You tell yourself that you'll get to it. The tension continues to build and you continue to put it off when finally, it's the night before the assignment is due... and you've got nothing! Don't worry; you're not the only one. Procrastination is an epidemic among college students. So what is to be done? How to we conquer this monster of laziness? Here are a few helpful tips to help you get your work done.

1. Get a Planner

...and USE it. When you get your syllabus, record all the assignments, due dates, projects and tests into your planner. Once you've done that for your entire course list and plan out your study time. Leave more time for tests, and big projects. Now you must religiously follow your schedule. Treat it like work, you have to go, no excuses. It is so easy to say "I'll go to the movie and do it later" or "I'll do it after this episode". You've got to train yourself to get your work done before you play. Its part of being an adult and it sucks, but you gotta do it. 

2. Get Your Priorities in Order

There is only so much time in a day. Sometimes you have to decide what you will spend your time on. Use your planner to decide what needs to be done and prioritize your work load. Organize the tasks you have written down in order of importance and you will find that you can get everything done. 

3. Begin

The hardest part of doing a project is getting it started. Don't plan on completing the entire assignment at once either that can make the project seem too daunting. Decide how long you are going to work on the project and work that long.

4. Use a List System

 Create a "To Do" list for yourself and once you complete something you can cross it of the list. When you cross something off the list it feels awesome and can be very motivating. It can be something as simple as "20 minutes on paper". 

5. Reward Yourself

When you have completed a task give yourself a nice reward. Let yourself take a nap, or go to a movie, or just hang out with friends. When you get used to a system of reward following work you will be more excited to complete projects.

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